Friday, October 22, 2010


Yesterday morning I got my lazy, frugal toches out of bed at 5:30 in the morning and went for a run. Getting up late early is no small feat, but I have been trying to avoid getting a gym membership and paying the exorbitant fees. However, it was totally worth the pain of getting out of bed. I beat the sunrise and was able to snap some great shots of the early stages of the sun rising over Balmoral Beach. As the sun came up over the hills towards the end of my run Regina Specktor's song Field Below came up on my ipod. If my run were a moment in a movie, that would have been a pretty good song choice for the soundtrack.  Hopefully I will be able to be motivated to repeat this morning run often. It was such a great way to start my Friday.

Congregation of gossiping cockatoos that were not happy
that I interrupted their morning chat with a picture.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing picture of all those cockatoos! I am loving these glimpses of your life down there.
