Saturday, October 30, 2010

Slangictionary (Seventh Installment)

Have a squiz: (phrase) take a look
Piker: (n.) someone who is lame (ex. Sorry I was such a piker and left the party early). [It also has a ruder meaning that I can explain later]
Woop Woop: (adj.) far away, the boonies (ex. I parked in woop woop)
Not a six hit: (phrase) Not a homerun
Skull: (v.) chug
Hundreds and thousands: (n.) round sprinkles 
Some dead horse: (n.) ketchup [the more common term is tomato sauce]
CUB: (n.) Cashed Up Bogan (someone trashy with a lot of money)
Flaming mongrel: (n.) idiot
Jab: (n.) shot (as in medical shots)
Dumb skip: (n.) Dumb Australian
Blotto: (adj.) drunk
Pull your head in: (phrase) get yourself together
Snag: (n.) sausage
WOG: (n.) Western Oriented Gentleman (not a good term to be called)
Bush oyster: (phrase) equivalent to "You have a bat in your cave" (aka you have a booger in your nose)
Coat hanger: (n.) Sydney Harbour Bridge

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