Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is not very big here, but is starting to get more popular.  I have been asked to explain how the holiday works to a number of Aussies.  Most Australians do not realize that you can dress up in whatever you want on Halloween and do not have to look scary. Most probably have not even seen a carving pumpkin. On Friday I taught a few coworkers how to carve pumpkins. Everyone who passed was fascinated.  No one had even seen the inside of a carving pumpkin before. They all thought that the insides were dense and hard to cut through instead of goopy and orange. We had Halloween themed end of the month drinks and had a trick or treat event for people’s kids.  The kids had a great time and the whole office got really into it.

It was a glorious sunny summer day here (probably the only warm Halloween I will ever have). There was a great breeze for sailing and the coves and inlets were packed with little sailboats. The water was a beautiful clear turquoise color and relatively warm. I almost forgot that it was Halloween until I went for a run around three and kids were already excitedly running around the neighborhood saying trick or treat and wearing fancy dress (costumes).  My neighborhood is rare in the amount of houses that are decorated for Halloween.  People signal that they are participating in the holiday by decorating their doors so kids know where to go. 

Hope you all have wonderful Halloweens!

1 comment:

  1. I just came across your blog. Well done, though I have
    only perused two Oz bits so far.
    Did you ever write anything about Tamworth?
    Sort of a Nashville south.
    That pic above of the Sydney Ocker House -
    as my Sydneysider amiga Melody termed it -
    did you color the "sails"? It is striking, is that
    a natural result of the sun hitting it? I have
    never seen a pic of it like that before.
