Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ba-na-na-na Bread

A little known fact and one of my favorite things about Australians is that they LOVE banana bread (which they insist is pronounced "ba-na-na bread" as opposed to "ba-nan-a bread") and they make really good banana bread.  I discovered this fact my first day of work when I witnessed mountains of thick slices of fresh banana bread stacked in every cafe in the morning be diminished to anthills of two to three pieces by lunchtime. Since that first week I have treated myself to one of these slices of buttery heaven most Wednesday mornings (to celebrate the middle of the week) and sometimes on weekend mornings too (just because I can). The cafes toast the pieces to perfection and smother them in enough butter to make Paula Dean happy.
I demolished this gorgeous slice this morning (mmmmm!)

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