Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day in the States! Last night my single girlfriends and I went out for drinks and nibbles (Sex in the City style) at The Beresford in Surry Hills. The Beresford is a pub that is only a few blocks from my apartment on Bourke St. Its décor is simple and warm and it has an awesome outdoor area at the back with comfy chairs, floor lights and trees strung with fairy lights. When we got there we ordered jugs of Pimm’s and ate salt and pepper squid, chips and gourmet pizzas for dinner.

The tables outside are normally packed with people, but the patrons had roped off a large section in the middle and put “RESERVED” signs on all of the tables. We were fortunate to get a table just outside the ropes. When we went to get our second round of Pim’s the bartender told my friend that the artists from the Good Vibes music festival were coming to watch the Grammy’s. About a half an hour later Ludacris, Erica Badu and other artists walked in. Ludacris sat in front of our table about six feet from me. Pretty early on in the Grammy’s he turned around and said “Happy Valentine’s Day ladies” to us and said “Are you all each other’s Valentines? What is a group of beautiful ladies like you doing single on Valentine’s Day?”. We were all in shock and laughed and he said “Drinks on me”. He talked to us periodically throughout the night and towards the end of the Grammys he called my flatmate over to ask her what was open in Sydney on a Monday night. His friend got her number and said he would call her to go out when they got back in Sydney later in the week.

Definitely a Valentine’s for the books…watching the Grammys with Luda.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you!! Sounds like an almost surreal experience you guys had with Ludacris! Glad you're back at the blog.
