Saturday, January 1, 2011

Field Day

Russ and me at Field Day
Sally, Helen (my flatmate) and me at Field Day
Yesterday, on New Year's Day, Russ and I went to Field Day with my flat mate and some friends.  Field Day is one of many music festivals that happen in Sydney during the summer.  Around 15,000 people attend the festival each year on New Year's Day. The festival starts at 11am and goes to 11pm and is mostly DJ sets and Australian bands. We showed up around 3:30 in  order to miss the peak sun hours.  It was scorching hot and was about 85 degrees even at 4 o'clock.  The festival took place in the Domain, a big lawn area by the Botanical Gardens behind the Opera House.  There were four stages on the venue, but we mainly stayed in front of the main stage. We watched Justice, the Klaxons, Duck Sauce, Erol Alkan, Art vs. Science, Rapture and a few others.  Art vs. Science was one of my favorite performances. They are a Sydney band that has had a lot of success in the past few years.  They were so excited to be playing in their hometown to such a huge crowd (by Sydney standards).  Justice headlined the event and did an amazing hour and a half set to finish up the night.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. I'm glad Russ was able to join you for the holidays.
