Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Choc Tops

Choc tops are a quintessentially Aussie movie treat. Every cinema sells these scrumptious chocolate covered ice cream cones.  You hear the crinkly sound of cellophane and satisfying crunch of chocolate at the beginning of every movie. They come in flavors like chocolate, mint, vanilla and boysenberry. I have purchased one of these frozen delights at almost all of the movies I've seen here.  Going to the movies is really a special thing because it is so expensive.  Every Tuesday is "Cheap Tuesday" ("Cheap Choosday" if you pronounce it like an Aussie) and the tickets are lowered from $15 or $16 to $11.  I saw Morning Glory this past week and The King's Speech a few weeks ago.  Both are definitely worth seeing with or without a choc top. 


  1. MMM, those looks wonderful! I recently saw both of those movies too and really liked them as well. Glad to see you back blogging...I love your updates :)

  2. They look awesome, like the old Dairy Queens dipped in hard chocolate. Yummmm!
