Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Slangictionary (Fourth Installment)

Stubby holder: (n.) beer holder or beer koozie, beer cans are called stubbies, so a beer holder is a stubby holder
Plaster: (n.) band-aid
Gumguard: (n.) mouthguard [This is actually what the English call mouthguards. One of my coworkers is a Brit and used it the other day and I liked it]
Sultanas: (n.) raisins
Fringe: (n.) bangs.  I know this is commonly known, as it is used in the UK, but I made the mistake of describing someone in the office as "The girl with the bangs" and one of my senior managers thought I said something very different. Thankfully I was making a bang/fringe motion to show what they looked like, so the confusion was quickly translated. 
Dodgy: (adj.) sketchy, off
Braces: (n.) suspenders
Diary: (n.) day planner

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