Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Go Pony Go!

Jane and I doing "the skinny arm" pose (We thought it appropriate for the event)
This Saturday I went to the races, for the first time, with friends and coworkers.  Everyone dresses to the nines in suits and ties, fancy dresses, hats and fascinators. I have never seen so many different dresses and hats in one place in my life.  My godmother Jane let me borrow this fabulous red vintage 1920s hat covered in osprey feathers and a beautiful ruby necklace, earrings and a ruby and pearl ring to match the hat.  My hat was a total hit, even the people working at the event complimented me on it one of my male coworkers took a photo in it.  

The racecourse
I bet on only one race, race number four.  It was my first time betting on anything with real money.  It was very exciting despite the fact that my horse, number seven Swiftfoot Joe, did not win the race. 
The race I bet on.  I was in the general admission area so the horses actually ran right
by us, which was so cool, but here is a video image of it from a better angle. 
One of the racehorses that walked by us.
After the races I went to my friends apartment in Rushcutters Bay, which is really close to King's Cross, the neighborhood with many of the popular clubs and is also near Darlinghurst and Paddington, which are known for their beautifully renovated historic townhouses.  Later in the night we went out to a bar/restaurant called Bondi Social which is right on the beach at Bondi and has a nice big balcony and then to a place called The Golden Sheaf, which is a mostly outdoor bar, perfect for Sydney's warm weather.

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