Monday, November 29, 2010

Night at the Ballet

On Tuesday night I went to see The Australian Ballet at the Sydney Opera House with a few of my girlfriends.  It was a gorgeous summer night so we all met up at Opera Bar, which is situated next to the Opera House, and got a bottle of wine and a tasting plate.  It was my first time going to a performance in the Opera House and I absolutely loved it. I hope to make somewhat of a habit of it as long as my finances allow it. The inside of the Opera House is beautifully modern and the acoustics and unbelievable.  We were sitting toward the top of the theatre, but I could still hear the touch of the female dancers' point shoes on the stage.

1 comment:

  1. Just getting caught up on your blog for the first time in awhile! I LOVE IT! Keep up the good work, I love hearing about all your adventures and I love you & miss you sooo much.
