Sunday, October 17, 2010


This stained glass dome is one of the beautiful architectural details of the QVB 
The clock above me is one the famous symbols of the QVB
On Saturday morning Jane and I went shopping in the CBD (Central Business District) of Sydney. We picked up a few items from her tailor, Kim, in Chinatown and ate scrumptious egg tarts from a little Chinese bakery called Helen's Bakery on Dixon Street. On the walk back to the main bus station, Wynyard, we walked through the Queen Victoria Building. This statue of Queen Victoria is placed prominently in front of the QVB and is one of many statues all over Sydney that have recently been dressed up in bright costumes (or fancy dress as they say here) for the Sydney Art & About Festival.  It makes me smile every time I pass one of these normally regal figures in their flashy, period appropriate getups. I wish they were so attired more of the time.

Queen Victoria dressed up outside the QVB (Queen Victoria Building)
I think she has a rather snobby countenance. 

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