Sunday, September 5, 2010

Slangictionary (Second Installment)

Tall poppy syndrome: when someone is very successful and other people say things to cut them down 
Good on you: (common phrase) good for you, congrats
Trackies: (n.) sweats, sweatpants
Tracksuit: (n.) sweatsuit
Op-shops: (n.) shops like the Salvation Army
Plunger coffee: (n.) French press coffee
Piece of piss: (adj. phrase) extremely easy
Dag/Daggy: (n./adj.)  Someone who is not cool, similar to nerdy [Dag is originally the slang term for dingleberries, “bits of feces that hang from a sheep’s bum” as my godmother defined them)
Freckles: (n.) sprinkles
Zebra Crossings: (n.) crosswalks
Spanner: (n.) tool [ex: That guy is such a spanner]
Buggered: (v.) really tired
Lollies: (n.) candy 

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