Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas from Down Under!

Balmoral Beach on Christmas Day
Best Christmas Gift: Russell coming from China
Tim, Jane, Me, Russ and Alex 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Quick Update

Hi everyone!

Sorry I have not posted in a few weeks. The past few weeks before the holidays have been so hectic between finishing up projects for clients at work, going to Christmas parties annnnnnd finding an apartment!  The vacancy rate in Sydney is one percent at the moment and my friends and I were looking in one of the trendiest neighborhoods in the city, Surry Hills.  It took us one and half months, but we found a great place right on the border of Darlinghurst and Surry Hills.  The apartment is centrally located and is near great bars and cafes, boutiques, parks, museums and art galleries.  I am so excited to live there! It will be my first adult apartment. I sign the lease Monday and pick up the key. I promise to post pictures as soon as we get it furnished and looking great.

I hope that you all are having a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy New Years! Expect a few new posts early this week and definitely more next year.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sculpture by the Sea

Bondi Beach
A few weeks ago I walked the Tamarama to Bondi walk with some friends and looked at the statues in the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition. The statues were made from every imaginable material.  One of my favorites was a giant sea creature made out of bottle caps. We had a great time taking pictures with many of the sculptures...